Friday, March 20, 2009

Israel's National Anthem

Someone has said, "Let me write the music of a nation, and I do not care who writes the laws." In other words, the songs have more influence than the laws! How true this is in our present-day culture. Music has gained a pre-eminence in our culture to such a degree that it may legitimately be considered "The American Idol".

Deuteronomy 32 contains Moses' final song. This was to be a sort of national anthem for the nation of Israel.

The song opens by calling heaven and earth to witness the conditions under which God is putting Israel into the Promised Land and the conditions under which He will put them out of the Promised Land. God will deal with Israel in the Promised Land in a very public way for all the world to see.

Verses 7-9 declare that God gave the nation of Israel The Promised Land as an inheritance through Jacob. The Promised Land then is Israel's possession because of God's grace. God did not choose Israel because they were the best, mightiest, most noble, most deserving nation. He chose them and gave them the Promised Land for a permanent possession simply because He loved them.

So the possession of the land is Israel's unconditionally as a fulfillment of the promise of God to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Verses 10-12 remind Israel that God brought them out of Egypt and led them through the desert as an eagle bears her young on her wings. Verse 12 reminds Israel that it was God alone that led them from Egypt to the Promised Land - "there was no strange god with him."

Verses 15-18 tell of Israel forgetting God in her prosperity and turning to false gods. Sounds like America today...

Verses 19-31 tell of God's chastisement upon Israel for idolatry. God will hide His face from them and withdraw His protection such that one of their enemies "shall chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight" because God has "sold them" to their enemies. In other words, without God's protection, their enemies will conquer them with ease.

Moses' song ends with restoration: Israel returning unto God, God avenging Israel and showing mercy to Israel

Their national anthem can be summed up like this:
God chose us
God delivered us
God led us
God fed us
We waxed fat
We forgot God
We chased idols
God abhorred us
God hid His face from us
God sold us
We were conquered
We suffered
We remembered God
We called upon God
God heard our cry
God restored us
God avenged us

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