Thursday, March 26, 2009

Be Strong and of a Good Courage

God appoints Joshua to be the leader of Israel and tells him to "be strong and of a good courage" three times in the first chapter. Each time the instruction is given, God also gives a command alongside the instruction.

1. Josh 1:6 Be strong and of a good courage... divide their inheritance to them... reach out and accept the gift (like the gift of salvation - we have to reach out and accept it)

2. Josh 1:7 Be strong and of a good courage... obey me completely - meditate on my Word day and night and DO IT (like the process of sanctification - knowing and DOING the Word of God)

3. Josh 1:9 Be strong and of a good courage... trust in God's might and presence, not your own (like spiritual warfare - 2 Cor 10:4 "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds")

4. The fourth time is different, because it is the nation of Israel speaking to Joshua.
Josh 1:18 Be strong and of a good courage... we will obey you and will put to death those who rebel against you (like church discipline - putting the sowers of discord out of the congregation)

A good picture of the Christian life. It takes strength and courage to accept the gift of salvation. It takes strength and courage to be sanctified. It takes strength and courage to fight spiritual battles. It takes strength and courage to separate from rebellion. All of it founded on trust in God's mighty power and constant presence. We can have courage and strength to obey God's commands because God is powerful and always with us.

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