Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New to FarmTown - WordCrops!

A man's belly will be filled with the fruit of his mouth,
and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled.
Death and life are in the power of the tongue:
and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. 
Proverbs 18:20-21

Sowing and reaping imagery... my words as the SEEDS which I sow, and my food as the FRUIT they bear someday.

Suppose facebook revamped "FarmTown" to grow crops based on the words you speak to and about your friends and family? What would your farm look like? Would it be filled with flourishing crops, flowers, and trees? Or would it be full of thorns, thistles, and cockleburrs?  Let's mentally examine the crops our words may be producing....
It is the habitual, not the occasional, use of this little member, that determines its fruit.  A saint may speak unadvisedly-- a sinner acceptably--with his lips. Neither would thus determine his true character. Charles Bridges

Hey Moms, Dads, and Children...
...imagine the words you speak to those who live with you as seeds.  Imagine that your words have been collected in a basket for you each day, and before you go to bed, you scatter the whole basket into your front yard.  When those seeds sprout, what kind of landscape will people see in front of your home as they pass by?  Will they wish that their yard looked as lovely as yours?  Or will they wish you would MOVE?

Hey Hubbies & Wives...
...imagine the words you have spoken about your spouse as seeds that you have scattered at the community park.  What is springing up as the result of your words?  Are your words bearing a harvest of respect and honor for you and your spouse in your community?  Or scorn and dishonor?

Hey Mother-in-laws...
...imagine the words you have spoken to (and about) your daughter-in-law over the years as seeds that you scattered at the family farm. What kind of crop have your words produced? Perhaps medicinal plants that soothe and heal? Perhaps practical herbs that add seasoning and spice to meals? Perhaps an impenetrable briar forest to rival that of poor Sleeping Beauty?

What about your words to and about...
... your "so-called" friends
... your Pastor
... your teacher
... your supervisor
... your co-worker
... your rival

Remember, death and life are in the power of your tongue.  Not death and life for the one you speak to/about, but death and life to you, the speaker.

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