Monday, May 24, 2010

DreamHouse Phase 3: Furnish the chambers

In Phase 1 we selected the finest raw materials.  Then we constructed the shell from the finest blueprints in Phase 2.  Finally, we'll furnish the chambers in Phase 3.  After all, who wants to live in a bare home?  Even if the home is made of the finest raw materials and masterfully constructed from the finest blueprints, it will be cold and uncomfortable at best without furnishings.

It is the furnishings - furniture, rugs, pictures, linens, dishes, etc - that make a house a home.  It is the furnishings that promote a house from rude shelter to comfortable home.  It is the furnishings that distinguish a house from the house next door; the furnishings become a vivid visual depiction of our individuality - our tastes, styles, temperament and priorities.  The furnishings make all the difference.

Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established: and by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches. Proverbs 24:3-4

Phase 3 - Furnish the chambers... and by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.
  • KNOWLEDGE - cunning, skill, awareness, perception
  • CHAMBERS - innermost part within a house; bed chambers
  • FILLED - fully furnished, fulfilled, replenished, satisfied
  • PRECIOUS - valuable, bright, clear, costly, excellent, honorable
  • PLEASANT - delightful, sweet
  • RICHES - wealth, enough substance
In other words, through awareness, perception, cunning, and skill, the heart of a home (family) is fully furnished with valuable, excellent, honorable, delightful, sweet substance.
Awareness and perception of what?
Answer: awareness and perception of (1) the architecture and (2) the lifestyle of the inhabitants. One of the principles of good interior design is that the furnishings should complement (not conflict with) the architecture. For example, don't use Grecian columns in a house of modern architecture.

As we're furnishing our chambers, we need to have an awareness and perception of God's architectural design for our family. What specific roles and tasks has God designed for my family? How do those roles and tasks effect our lifestyle? Does the lifestyle of a doctor differ from the lifestyle of a farmer? Obviously. Does the lifestyle of a Pastor differ from the lifestyle of an evangelist or a missionary? Yes, of course. Does the lifestyle of a family with infants differ from the lifestyle of a family with teens? Yes.

An awareness and perception of God's design for our family will lead us to furnish and equip our family with the very things that complement God's design. The equipment that is valuable, excellent, and honorable in helping us carry out God's roles and tasks will also be delightful and sweet to us. God has designed us to enjoy the equipment we need for our work. How sweet is that?

What about our individuality?
We know that God has a standard blueprint for all families, right? And within that standard blueprint for all families, He has a unique design for my family. But here's something else that we don't often consider. Within God's standard blueprint for all families, and within God's unique design for my family, there's a place for my individuality. That's right - individuality.

You mean we can follow God's standard blueprint and God's unique design and still express our own individuality? Yes! Don't buy into that common misconception that obedience to God's will somehow stifles individuality. God's creation is living proof that God is not opposed to individuality. How many varieties of butterflies did He create? Fish? Flowers? Vegetables? The great variety in creation proves that God enjoys and gets glory from diversity and individuality.

As we furnish our chambers, let us do so with an awareness and perception of God's design for our family. And let us express our individuality in a way that complements God's architecture.

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