Monday, August 31, 2009

Idols - Always Sensual, Enlightened, and Sentimental

The priests said not, Where is the LORD? and they that handle the law knew me not: the pastors also transgressed against me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked not after things that do not profit. Jeremiah 2:8

"It is interesting to see that when man rejects God, he always will make an idol. When people make their own god, they make it as they want it. They make a god whose demands they can meet. In other words, it is actually a projection of the old nature of man." J Vernon McGee

So what are idols like? the old nature of man?

Idols are always sensual... because they're designed to pleasure the physical cravings of the present culture.

Idols are always enlightened... because they're designed to enlighten us with the worldly wisdom of the present culture.

Idols are always sentimental... because they're designed to fan the emotional sentiment of the present culture.

Idols are simply gods whose demands men can meet. It's easy (and fun!) to meet the demands of pleasure, worldly wisdom, and emotional sentiment.

On the other hand, it's NOT pleasurable to crucify my physical cravings, so I'll create an idol that stimulates them instead. That way I can have my "pleasure" and my god, too.

It's NOT "enlightened" to follow the wisdom of God's word, so I'll create an idol that illuminates my intellect in ways that the world applauds. Then I can have my "enlightenment" and my god, too.

It's NOT poignant to be driven by something as cold as God's will, so I'll create an idol that drives me by the emotional sentiment of the day. Then I can have my "sentiment" and my god, too.

After all, it's much better in this world to be associated with pleasure, enlightenment, and poignancy. People like me better. People seek me out. People pay more attention to me. People follow me. People repeat my words. People dress like me. People praise me. People... worship me. Makes me sort of an.... idol.

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