Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Prayer for Youth - Receiving God's Word

Paul encouraged Timothy to feed himself on God's Word through reading, exhortation, and doctrine.

I Timothy 4:13
Till I come, give attendance
to reading - know and own God's Word
to exhortation
- receive the preaching of God's Word
to doctrine - receive the teaching of God's Word

Likewise, we should be encouraging our young people to put a priority on feeding upon God's Word through reading, preaching and teaching. Their daily diet consists of so much that is contrary to God's Word through the media and our culture. The world is waging a very successful campaign at feeding them. How much greater should our effort be to encourage and compel them to feed themselves on the Word of God. But we will not encourage others in these areas if we are not faithful ourselves.

Preaching and teaching are not the same. One author compares them like this:

Both preaching and teaching are necessary if we are to touch both the mind and heart of young people.

These are the basic building blocks for growth - a diet that is rich on the Word of God. May we ever encourage ourselves and our young people to feed upon the Word of God daily.

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