Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Prayer for Youth - Living Proof - Prominence

Joshua 1:8 “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.”

LIVING PROOF - prominence in our minds and acts...

In other words, the Word of God must have prominence in our minds (as we meditate) and prominence in our actions (as we do according to all that is written therein) at all times (day and night). The idea is to let the Bible control our lives.

Is the Word of God prominent in my mind? What do I think about the most? Sadly, in today's culture - the answer is "me". What's most prominent in my thoughts? "me"...

Is the Word of God prominent in my actions? Often we fool ourselves into thinking that as long as we're avoiding the list of bad deeds, we're living a victorious Christian life. Sort of like weeding a garden - pulling the bad weeds out. But a victorious Christian life is not just the absence of weeds - it's also the presence of FRUIT.

The point in weeding out the sins is to make room for FRUIT. And that requires much more than just pulling a few weeds. That involves planting good seeds, cultivating the soil, feeding, watering, protecting from insects and birds. A successful fruitful garden requires daily care. Likewise, a victorious Christian life takes daily care.

If we were to create a garden that properly visualized your Christian life - would it be full of weeds? Would it be bare of weeds and bare of fruit? Would it be thriving with growth and fruit?

Being living proof requires us to give the Word of God prominence in our minds and actions DAILY.

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