Friday, April 3, 2009

Ye Have Not Obeyed My Voice

"...when the children of Israel cried unto the LORD because of the Midianites, that the LORD sent a prophet unto the children of Israel, which said unto them...but ye have not obeyed my voice" Judges 6:7-10

God used the Midianites to impoverish Israel to the point that Israel finally cried unto the LORD. As soon as they called out to God, he responded... by sending them a prophet with a message.

The message? "Ye have not obeyed my voice".

I think of the dire situation we are in today. Aren't we, the richest and most powerful nation on earth, suddenly being impoverished?

How miserable will we have to be before we cry out to God? How long after we cry out will He wait to send us a messenger? What will the message be?

I think it will sound a lot like the message He sent to Israel... "ye have not obeyed my voice".

The big questions on everybody's mind sound like this: How long will this recession last? How far down will our economy go? Answer: That all depends on how long it takes us to cry out to the LORD... Until then, the solution will continue to elude us.

Our hope is not in our President or in our Congress or in Wall Street or even in the global economy. Our hope is in the LORD. As soon as we acknowledge that, He will reveal the solution to our problem. And just like Israel, the solution will be to put away the false gods and idols out of our midst and return unto the LORD God.

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