Friday, March 26, 2010

To Answer or Not To Answer....

Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.  Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.  Prov 26:4-5

These two verses seem to contradict one another, but in fact, they are rules for dealing with a fool in two different situations.

The first situation occurs when a fool's words clearly show his foolishness.  This is one of those situations when the words are so clearly foolish that all the hearers remain silent.  In this situation, silence is the most effective rebuke.  All the hearers seem to sense the foolishness, and no verbal rebuke is necessary.  To answer the fool in this situation would make you look like a fool for answering when no answer was necessary.

The second situation occurs when a fool's words make him appear wise.  In this situation, your silence may be mistaken for defeat and may make the fool more arrogant ("wiser in his own conceit").  Therefore, the fool must be answered.

In short, answer not IN folly, but TO folly.

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